Sefton Conservatives Renew Calls for Mandatory DBS Checks for Councillors

Following the shocking news that a former Sefton Labour Group Councillor has pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children, Sefton Conservatives are once again calling for all councillors to be subject to a mandatory DBS check.
The idea was first suggested by Conservative Group Leader, Mike Prendergast, in September 2022. At the Sefton Council meeting on 15th September 2022 only the Conservatives voted for the measure with Labour and Liberal Democrat councillors voting against.
Councillor Mike Prendergast said, “At the next Sefton Council meeting in November I have asked the Leader of the Council to reconsider the idea that all Sefton Councillors should be subject to a mandatory DBS check.”
“The shocking news concerning a, now, former councillor has brought the council into disrepute and undermined public confidence in local government. I am, more than ever, certain that the public expects us to take action to clearly demonstrate that we are not going to simply pretend this hasn’t happened. It can’t just be swept under the rug and ignored.”
“The public, rightly, holds us to high standards and all councillors will come into contact with vulnerable people; through helping vulnerable residents or sitting on committees that deal with issues relating to vulnerable people. Any other profession or vocation would expect those dealing with such members of the public to have a DBS check, why should councillors be any different?”
“The last time this issue was debated, every single Labour and Liberal Democrat councillor at the meeting voted against it. I think that was a huge mistake.”
“It was described at the meeting as ‘interesting’ and afterwards as ‘a misleading gimmick’ by Southport Liberal Democrat’s.”
“I think it is now essential that this measure is brought in to make it clear to the public that we take our role seriously and will do everything we can to ensure that those convicted of serious offences should not hold public office.”