Sefton Council celebrate International Women’s Day with Sefton Women’s Network Event

Sefton Council is proudly supporting International Women’s Day and working for gender equality and female empowerment.

International Women’s Day calls on the international community to recognise the role of women in society, share experiences, acknowledge inequalities and pledge to do more to achieve equality for all women.

This year, Sefton has launched its Women’s Network, which will hold its first event to coincide with International Women’s Day.

Sefton Women’s Network is a working group of women that meets monthly. The Network discusses how to address gender inequality, tackle challenges that discourage women accessing leadership opportunities and attract women into typically male-dominated careers and industries.

Sefton has a strong track record of women being visible at all levels of the organisation and efforts are made across all departments to foster understanding and equality.

This International Women’s Day, Sefton Council are not only celebrating women but recognising the challenges and inequality women face. Sefton has a strong track record in supporting women across the Borough, who disproportionately feel the effects of discrimination, harassment and abuse. Recently, the Council began consulting on a Domestic Abuse strategy in order to tailor support to victims, most often women.


Cllr Trish Hardy, Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing said:“International Women’s Day is a celebration of women in society but also a recognition of the inequality and discrimination women face on a daily basis.“I am proud that Sefton is a welcoming and inclusive borough for all women and we work with partners to provide support for the most vulnerable.” Andrea Watts, Executive Director for People and Chair of the Women’s Network said:“Sefton Council has always valued women across our organisation and it feels like a place where women belong at any level of the organisation. Our Senior Leadership Team is a 50/50 split men and women and makes for a diverse, vibrant discussion with a range of life experiences and leadership skills to draw on.”“I am proud to support International Women’s Day and its goals of equality and empowerment and glad that this year we are marking it with first event for our Women’s Network, which brings together women at all levels across the organisation, which helps ensure a diverse range of opinion and challenge.”


The International Women’s Day flag will be flown from Bootle Town Hall on Tuesday 8th March.