Sefton Council celebrates its social care workforce this Social Work Week

This week is Social Work Week (14th-18th March) and Sefton Council is shining a spotlight on its Children’s and Adult Social Care workforce; from Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and Social Care Practitioners to Business Support Officers, Family Support Workers and everyone in-between who helps to make a difference and support both services to run effectively.

The week, organised by Social Work England, coincides with World Social Work Day which recognises the hard work and dedication of social workers on an international stage. The theme for the day is ‘Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind’ and the theme for the week is ’Social Work and Me’.

Sefton Council will be hosting several events across the week and is encouraging staff to attend as many as possible. Highlights include an inspirational talk from brothers Andy and Matt Smith (Smash Life), a celebratory cinema night at local community cinema, The Plaza and various health and wellbeing drop-in sessions that will explain more about the Council’s offer to employees.

As well as the events, the Council is encouraging teams to take some time for themselves and step away from the desk, allowing time to reflect. Activities being promoted include taking part in a team beach litter pick, enjoying a team breakfast whilst reflecting on the challenges and achievements throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and taking the time to find out about local community groups and initiatives teams could get involved with.

Cllr. Mhairi Doyle, M.B.E., Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care, said:

“Social Work Week and World Social Work Day is an opportunity for us to celebrate and shine a spotlight not only our Social Workers, but on every single person who plays a part in making a difference to our communities right across the Borough.“Social work can be an extremely tough job, but it can also be one of the most rewarding. I hope by taking the time to reflect on their amazing achievements, our teams can see the amazing work they do day in, day out.”

Cllr. Paul Cummins, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said:

“I’d like to wish everyone a great week of celebrations and reflection. I know how hard both our adult and children’s teams work every day for the benefit of our communities, so I hope everyone can find the time to take a moment to reflect on that hard work.“It has been an incredibly challenging couple of years for our workforce and this week is all about celebrating our people and their dedication to their roles and Sefton.”

Sefton Council currently has a range of exciting opportunities within its adult and children’s social care services. To find out more about our adult social care opportunities, please visit: To find out more about our children’s social care opportunities, please visit: