Sefton Council is seeking views on a revised version of the Statement of Licensing Policy.


Sefton Council is seeking views on a revised version of the Statement of Licensing Policy.

Under the Licensing Act 2003 regulations, councils are required to publish a policy statement which forms the basis for deciding any applications submitted under the Act.

The Licensing Act 2003, as introduced by Government, has the following four objectives:

1. The prevention of crime and disorder;

2. Public safety;

3. The prevention of public nuisance; and

4. The protection of children from harm.

The policy remains in place for five years and is due to be replaced with a revised version in December 2023.

A public consultation running from Monday 3rd April to Monday 5th June 2023, will provide residents an opportunity to review the draft policy and feedback their thoughts.

The Licensing Unit will also be seeking the views of key partners, including Merseyside Police and Public Health colleagues.

Chair of the Licensing & Regulatory Committee, Councillor John Kelly, said: "We are consulting with operators and businesses in the licensed trade and we also want the views of local residents.

"Any opinions on the licensed trade, on how we can meet the Licensing Act objectives, are welcome and the draft revised Licensing Policy will be available in local libraries and on the Sefton Council public consultation portal."

The revised policy and online survey will be available on Your Sefton Your Say (the Council’s consultation portal) from Monday 3rd April: