Sefton Council launches Extra Care Housing consultation

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A consultation seeking views on Sefton Council’s Extra Care allocation guidelines is now underway.

As part of its Sefton 2030 vision, the Council pledged to ensure that residents have a choice of housing within the Borough. As part of this, work has begun to develop a number of Extra Care housing facilities.

Living independently

Extra Care housing is designed for older and vulnerable residents and enables people to live independently while having easy access to on-site care and support when needed. As well as providing a home for residents who have a care need, it will ensure that couples can remain housed together and that older carers are supported.

Sefton Council are aiming to develop 1300 homes across fifteen developments in Sefton by 2036.

Feedback encouraged

Sefton residents are being invited to share their views on the Extra Care Allocation Policy, which details the eligibility and process for applying to Extra Care Housing in the Borough. Respondents will be asked to comment on a draft policy which covers areas such as age, care and financial eligibility.

Cllr Cummins, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care said: “Giving our residents who require care the support to live independently for longer is one of the Council’s key areas of focus.

“I’m delighted that we are moving forward with Extra Care Housing, which promises to give older people the greater control and choice over their own care.

“Hearing from the public is always a vital part of these processes and I’m looking forward to hearing what people have to say.”

Cllr Hardy, Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities said: “We want to ensure that people in Sefton have plenty of housing options available to them, and the introduction of over 500 Extra Care homes will be of great benefit to older residents in the Borough.

“The aim is to develop communities that people enjoy being part of and take pride in, and your views are key to helping us to achieve this goal.”
Have your say

The consultation was launched last week (Friday 10th February) and will run until Monday 27th March 2023. The results will be used to shape the future of Sefton’s Extra Care Housing.

Anyone wanting take to part in the consultation can do so by taking part in a short survey at 

Further information can be found at