Sefton Council's Director of Public Health Releases Annual Report Focused on Ageing in Sefton Communities


Ageing in Sefton is the theme of this year’s annual report by the Council’s Director of Public Health, Margaret Jones.

Covering 2022, the Report takes a closer look at the topic of ageing and what life and health is like for older adults in Sefton’s communities.

There are chapters exploring different aspects of ageing, health and wellbeing. The themes covered are Talking about Ageing, Sefton’s population, the Health of Older Adults, Prevention and Healthy Ageing and Living Well.

Among the report’s recommendations and learning points is the need for appropriate language and to avoid using blanket terms such as ‘the elderly’. Also blanket assumptions like ‘getting older means a loss of independence’ can have a negative effect.

The Report also says that Sefton has a high and growing number of older residents and it is important to plan for their health and care needs. This means recognising the factors that affect all of us throughout our lives to ensure everyone’s long-term wellbeing.

Older people to whom the Public Health spoke associated being healthy with maintaining their independence, keeping active in the community, and having positive connections with others. Accessible, well-connected neighbourhoods with places where everyone can meet, connect and participate are good for everyone’s health.

Cllr Ian Moncur, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing said:
“Ageing is something we all have in common, so I am glad to see this focus on Sefton’s older people in this Annual Report from our Public Health Team.

“With an ageing population, locally and nationally it highlights the need for us to continue listening to older people and engaging them actively in developing our communities and services.

“And with the current national cost of living crisis, we need to remain aware of the negative impact fuel and food poverty are having across our communities, an impact which us seen us have to open a network of Warm Spaces across the Borough.

“The past year has seen us take big steps towards creating a more joined up NHS and Social Care system in Sefton and I am pleased that developments and improvements that are part of the Ageing Well priority are cornerstones of our plans.”

In her introduction to the Report, Margaret Jones, Sefton Council’s Director of Public Health, writes that a wide range of information have been used in its production ‘to help bring important issues and people’s own experiences to life.’

Cllr Paul Cummins, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care said:

“As this Report points out, senior adults have an indispensable role to play in shaping strategic changes that meet their varied needs and benefit the wider community.

“We need to be valuing older people and ensuring they are engaged actively in the plans and changes happening in Sefton today which will shape our Borough’s future.

“And we must call out, and tackle age unfriendly language and stereotypes in how they operate and communicate.”

An online version of the Ageing in Sefton report can be found at

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A downloadable pdf version of the report is also available at