Sefton Council Shares Safety Tips for Coping with Extended Cold Weather


With the cold weather set to stay over the weekend and into next week, the Council is sharing advice to keep safe and well.

Cold weather can cause treacherous conditions underfoot which can lead to dangerous slips, trips and falls for elderly or frail patients. Cold, damp conditions can also leave people with long-term conditions – such as respiratory problems – more vulnerable to winter illnesses.

Sefton residents are being asked to look out for their relatives, friends and neighbours, and to follow the NHS advice on keeping safe and well, below.

Keep your home warm – If you have reduced mobility, are 65 or over, or have a health condition such as heart or lung disease, you should heat your home to at least 18C. If you’re under 65 and healthy and active, you can safely have your house cooler than 18C, if you’re comfortable.

Eat well this winter – Food is a vital source of energy, which helps keep your body warm. Try to make sure that you have hot meals and drinks regularly throughout the day and keep active in the home if you can.

Stay active – If you can stay active, even moderate exercise can bring health benefits. If possible, try not to sit still for more than an hour or so.

Wear lots of thin layers – clothes made from cotton, wool or fleecy fibres are particularly good and help to maintain body heat. Wear shoes with a good grip to prevent slips and falls when walking outside. If possible, stay inside during a cold period if you have heart or respiratory problems.

Help your neighbours – Check on older neighbours to make sure they’re safe and well. Make sure they’re warm enough, especially at night, and have stocks of food and medicines so they don’t need to go out during very cold weather.

If you’re worried about a relative or an elderly neighbour, you can ring the Age UK helpline on 0800 00 99 66.

Take care if out and about
If you do go outside during the cold, frosty weather, remember to wear shoes with a good grip to prevent slips and fall. If possible, stay inside during a cold period if you have heart or respiratory problems.

It is not possible for the Council to grit every road, footway or public path including our Green Sefton parks and open spaces so please extra take care if visiting one of these spaces.

There is a checklist below to consider when going out and about:

Be prepared for winter weather with appropriate clothing and robust footwear;
Take care close to water, especially in wet or icy conditions and do not attempt to walk on or enter frozen water, canals, ponds or lakes;
Always check the weather forecast as conditions can change quickly and check tide times before you set out to the coast:;
Take note of any safety signage at beach entrances -there are no RNLI lifeguard patrols on Southport or Ainsdale beaches during winter;