Sefton Council’s Affordable Warmth Team on hand this winter

Sefton Council is reminding people in the Borough living on low incomes and facing rising energy bills that they can find help, support and advice through its Affordable Warmth Team this winter

With the energy price cap predicted to rise in April, Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing has warned that some people in Sefton may be forced to choose between heating or eating.

The energy price cap is the maximum amount a utility company can charge an average customer in the UK per year for the amount of electricity and gas they use and is reviewed every six months. The next review is in February, with any changes set to be introduced from 1 April.

The current cap is £1,277, which was set last August – a 12 per cent rise on the previous price. There are fears the February increase could be by as much as 50 per cent, pushing the cap up towards £2,000.

The Affordable Warmth team can help with energy efficiency measures, support and advice for anyone struggling to heat their homes this winter.

People can contact the team at [email protected] or by calling 0151 934 2222, for assistance and advice on a range of topics.

Depending on their circumstances, people may be eligible for support through:

  • Warm Home Discount Scheme
  • Cold Weather Payments
  • Winter Fuel Payments

The Council are also reminding the Borough’s landlords that they should advise tenants facing difficulties with the cost of heating their homes to visit the Simple Energy Advice website at or call their helpline on 0800 444 202.


Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities said:“Many families across Sefton will already have been feeling the effect of higher domestic fuel charges, as well as rising prices in the shops. And for a large number of households, many of them working, this will have been combined with the Government’s £20 per week cut in Universal Credit in November.“The energy cap was raised to £1,277 and the next is expected to push it up to around £2,000 from April when the Government will also be introducing increases to National Insurance payments.”Cllr Hardy continued:“With the Government looking reluctant to help out hard-hit households, having just recently voted down a Labour party plan to remove VAT from domestic energy bills for a year, we are reminding people who think they will struggle, that Sefton Council’s Affordable Warmth Team can provide advice and support.”

Additionally, people facing housing difficulties that could put their home at risk, who have received an eviction notice or have rent arrears should get in touch with our Homeless Prevention Service at [email protected] or by calling 0151 934 3541.

The Homeless Prevention team works with tenants to help them maintain their tenancy or with moving on to more affordable and suitable accommodation, and they can also assist landlords that are facing issues such as rent arrears and late or inconsistent rent payments.

Landlords who have concerns about vulnerable tenants can also contact the team for support in resolving the situation.

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