Sefton says thanks to all involved in summer school meal programme including Southport schools

Sefton Council is saying a huge “thank you” to all who were involved in providing vital free lunches for schoolchildren form eligible families and other groups across the Borough throughout the 2021 summer holidays.
Over 5,000 meals, in the form of takeaway packed lunches, were prepared and distributed to a range of Sefton locations throughout the summer holiday. Catering teams across the Borough worked tirelessly in the preparation, packing and delivery of the meals for children, families and older people.
Once again, the Council and Sefton Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) worked with local Voluntary, Community and Faith (VCF) sector organisations across the Borough to co-ordinate additional access to food.
As in 2020, families who have had their income significantly affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic were also eligible for the scheme.
Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing said: “This is always a very important service to provide and we continue to do all we can to help people who would otherwise struggle to put food on the table.
“We have had families tell us that without this service, they would have to miss paying bills to meet the extra cost of feeding their children during the long summer months.
“We are delighted that we were once again able to help and support those families that are most in need within our communities and I would like to thank personally everyone who was involved in coordinating, preparing and distributing these lunches.”
This is the sixth year of the summer lunches initiative.