Sefton secures nearly £4million from housing developers for local infrastructure

town hall building

Nearly £4 Million of infrastructure investment is set to be spent across Sefton thanks to the Local Authority’s work with developers, a published Infrastructure Funding Statement has shown.
As well as being spent on improvements to highways, public transport and more, the £3.8 million funding from developers will also help boost primary school provision and improved health facilities.
Sefton Council continues to work closely with developers to ensure any impact from new builds is mitigated by a substantial investment being put back into the borough for the direct benefit of the communities who live there.
Throughout the previous financial year (2021/22) Sefton Council agreed proposals with a number of firms which, upon completion of development, could secure over £3.8 million towards improving local infrastructure. 
Cllr Daren Veidman, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “The Sefton Local Plan has helped support local investment in recent years and we are seeing what is perhaps the highest level of developments taking place for many years.
“Now with more developments set to come, we are acutely aware that this could lead to pressure on local infrastructure and services, which is why we have sought to agree a huge funding package that will directly benefit our communities and mitigate any additional pressures.
“The money secured through our agreements includes over £2 million towards increasing local primary school places, plus money to provide health facilities and further public transport investment. 
“Additionally this year’s agreements will help secure over 430 new affordable homes with many more expected in the coming years.
“We will continue to work hard to secure significant levels of financial contributions from developers to support services and facilities, and much needed affordable housing, across the borough.”