Shocking figures after one week of Lancashire Police Christmas drug drink campaign

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We’re just over a week into our Christmas drink and drug-drive campaign – and over the first seven days of testing drivers for alcohol and drugs we found one in eight were driving under the influence.

From November 21st to 27th we stopped and tested a total of 406 motorists and of those, 51 were found to be driving under the influence of either drugs or alcohol.

This included
- A woman who was stopped in the early hours of Monday driving at speed through the 50mph section of the M55 with a 10-month-old baby in the car. She was breathalysed and found to be nearly twice the legal limit for alcohol.
- A driver stopped in Preston after he was seen swigging from a can of Stella. He tested positive for cannabis and was arrested.
- A motorist in Preston who broke down…and was found to be over the limit for alcohol
- A man arrested twice in two days in St Michaels on Wyre for impaired driving. The second arrest was last night (Tuesday), when he failed a drug wipe for cocaine.

All 51 people detected drink or drug-driving were arrested. And it goes without saying that they’re the lucky ones - because they weren’t killed, seriously injured or left responsible for an innocent bystander being killed or seriously injured.

Drivers risk up to six months’ imprisonment, an unlimited fine and a substantial driving ban if they are caught driving while above the legal limit. Anyone who causes a death while drink or drug driving faces up to 14 years’ imprisonment.

#AllWeWantForChristmas is for nobody to drink or drug-drive.

If you suspect somebody is drink or drug-driving please tell us on 101 or contact us online at Alternatively you can tell Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or at

#KeepingOurChristmasSafe #DontDrinkOrDrugDrive #LancashirePolice