Sneak thefts from vehicles in the Liverpool Road area of Southport

There have been a number of sneak thefts from vans and cars in the Liverpool Road area of Birkdale.
Whilst not all have been reported to the police are trying to piece together the different incidents from social media posts. Please always report thefts of this kind via the MERSEYSIDE POLICE CONTACT CENTRE page on Facebook or @MerPolCC on Twitter or at
Alternatively you can report a theft on 101. If the offender is still present, then you can dial 999.
Don't think you can leave you car/van unlocked for even a minute. It takes less than that for your purse, wallet, handbag or phone to go missing. Likewise soft-top drivers. The hot weather may be tempting to leave your car parked up with the roof down, but it gives thieves easy access to items you have forgotten to take with you.
Roof up and vehicle locked every time you leave it. Make it difficult for thieves.