Southport and Sefton urges residents to contribute to boundary change consultation

Sefton Council is encouraging everyone in the Borough to contribute to the England 2023 Boundary review.

The Boundary Commission for England, an independent public body, is conducting a review into the possibility of changing electoral boundaries. This could mean some constituencies may gain or lose certain ‘wards’ which make up a defined area where people live.

In Sefton there are three constituencies, each with their own MP. They are Southport, Sefton Central and Bootle. Within those three constituencies are 22 different wards. 

Due to population changes, the number of people registered to vote in some constituencies is much higher than in others. The 2023 Boundary Review has been set up as a result to try to balance the number of electors represented by each MP. 

Changes could see wards being moved from one constituency to another or having their boundaries broadened or narrowed.

Prior to any changes, the Boundary Commission wants the public to submit their views and thoughts on the proposals, which may affect Sefton residents.

Dwayne Johnson, Chief Executive of Sefton Council, said: “This consultation will directly influence what is a very important democratic process and we could see considerable change to how our constituencies are laid out.

“Reviewing constituency boundaries is an essential process to make sure that individual voting is equal and fair and that residents are represented as best as they can be in Parliament.

“This is a very important consultation and every view, thought and representation will be considered so I would urge as many residents as possible to contribute before the deadline.”

People can have their say by visiting or writing to: Boundary Commission for England, 35 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BQ

The deadline to respond is Monday April 4th, 2022.