Southport Battle of the Bands goes from strength to strength

We're just one heat away from the semi-finals and Southport Battle of the Bands is on course for an amazing grand final in August, writes Martin Hovden.

I hope my short video captures some of the excitement and fun of Friday's heat three, held in the Banff club in West Street. Here's the Youtube link:

The two bands to go through were Southport alternative punk rockers Twilight Avenue (audience vote) and my choice as guest judge Liverpool psychedelic indie rock outfit Soul Captain.

As I reported the other day, club manager Niall is so pleased with the way the contest is going he has asked organisers Dave Aston, Hayden Birch and Martin White to start regular live music nights there on the first and third Friday of each month, starting in September.

Heat four is not this coming Friday due to other commitments, but the Friday after 29 July. Doors open at 7.30pm with admission at just £3.

Onwards and upwards and keep music live.