Southport Beach car park closed on hottest day of the year: Is Sefton Council trying to drive tourists away?


Once again Sefton Council has kept Southport Beach car park closed on one of the hottest days of the year so far. Car after car turned up at the entrance to find the beach closed. The sign says due to high tides but there are no high tides this week that will reach that part of the beach.

The council is missing out on much-needed revenue by keeping the beach closed. People are going to go elsewhere after finding the Beach closed along with the Pier.

Part of the attraction of visiting Southport for many people is beach parking and walking down the Pier.

Southport is going to become like New Brighton in the 80s a run-down cesspit of a place.

Recently the Council has blamed the sand conditions for the closures well it's like the desert today.