Southport Community Energy - Wind Turbine update


Southport Community Energy want to develop a community owned wind turbine to replace the old, defunct one at the eco centre. Get involved!

We have been working with the Northwest Energy Hub to replace the old defunct wind turbine at the eco centre with a larger wind turbine.

The energy generated would be used to supply the Dune/Splashworld. The project would reduce carbon emissions by 5,200 tonnes over 20 years and save Sefton Council £40,000 a year.

We want the new turbine to be owned by the people of Southport who can put any surplus (profit) generated into a Community Benefit Fund that can support projects in Southport. It is estimated that selling the energy that the turbine generated would create a community benefit fund of £1.6 million over the 20 years of the project.

We want to take this opportunity to update people on where we're up to in the process and invite people to get involved. We will need supporters, volunteers and directors to develop Southport Community Energy into an organisation that will take over the project and install the wind turbine.

We'll do a short presentation a Q&A and then there will be time to chat less formally

720 - Presentation

740 - Q&A and discussion

815-930 - drinks and chat

More info here