Southport Councillors celebrate after planning permission refused for 18 metre phone mast

Dukes Ward Councillors, Sir Ron Watson and Mike Prendergast, are celebrating after successfully campaigning against the installation of a 15 metre high mobile phone mast that was proposed for Lulworth Road in Birkdale (on the junction with Palatine Road). 

The original application was for an 18 metre high mast but this was reduced down to 15 metres. Following concerns raised by local residents, the two councillors submitted their concerns to the planning department at Sefton Council who agreed with them and refused the application. However, the mobile phone operator appealed the decision to the Planning Inspectorate.  

After a long process, the Planning Inspectorate have upheld the original decision and dismissed the appeal. 

Councillor Mike Prendergast said, "We worked with a number of residents on this issue involving petitions, online submissions and regularly writing to residents to keep them updated. We are all happy with the result that has been achieved and I look forward to working with local residents on other important local issues."

Councillor Sir Ron Watson said, "A large number of people raised their concerns with us about the proposed mast. It would have been situated right outside a large retirement community and would have been totally inappropriate for a conservation area. I'm glad the appeals process has now completed and the right result has been reached."