Southport FC Smart Hub Update

Our new Southport FC Smart Hub in conjunction with ULNK is proving very popular with lots of people having a go at predicting the score and the result and, for those present at the game, voting for man of the match and rating the ref!

It’s new and we are developing it all the time but early indications are it is getting great interaction and we are delighted with the results.

You can also link to the Hub from our website meaning anyone not attending the game can still have a go at predicting the score and result.

Thank you to everyone who has accessed the hub at the ground. There is a QR sticker on every seat in the home section of the stand and there are banners with the QR code on as you enter the ground at both the terrace and main stand area as well as a QR banner on the Popular Terrace.

We hope that once the season proper gets underway that even more people will enjoy having a bit of fun with the hub as the season progresses.