Southport FC updates website for better navigation

sfc web

Southport FC said...

We are gradually working our way through updating the website and rearranging a few things to make the navigation of the site a bit better.

To free up space, as we are limited as to what we are allowed, news items will go back for three years so for example anything posted in May 2020 will be deleted at the end of May and so on throughout the year.

With immediate effect all videos will be on You Tube which we are also updating and the link will be on this site. The videos take up a lot of space and by putting them all on You Tube that will help with capacity.

There is a lot of information on our website and several club’s commented last season that it is one of, if not the best in the league for being up to date and for the content which we are very proud of.

It does take a lot of work and time and things do occasionally get missed so if you do spot anything please let Rob Urwin know by e-mailing [email protected] with the details, a second, third or fourth pair of eys is always welcome.