Southport FC Walking Football Community Update

A spokesperson for walking football said...
Our Walking Football Community group goes from strength to strength.
The recent bad weather on a Wednesday hasn’t deterred any of the hardy souls from attending.
The sessions take place every Wednesday between 11 and 12 at Dunes Leisure and are open to men and women aged 40+ with a £2 charge per player to pay for the pitch hire.
We can accommodate any number, adjustments are made to the team sizes according to the numbers that attend. After discussion we have agreed that playing 4 a side doesn’t work so we will be playing a minimum of 5 a side each week. The ideal number turning up is 20 so we can play four 5 a side teams playing each other but, each player has agreed to stay off pitch for a short time if necessary rather than go with teams of 4.
It’s good fun. We do have to issue an occasional reminder to the more competitive members of the group that a) it is WALKING and b) take account of all abilities!!
You can just turn up and play or give WF Organiser, Rob Urwin, a call on 077900-41514 or mail [email protected] for more details and register your interest.
Since the Walking Football Group started over 50 people have had a go, some have played every week, some only occasionally but everyone is welcome as a regular or occasional player.
We will be having a two week break on December 22nd and 29th.
We are hoping to stage a WF Tournament in May with teams from around the North West (and one from Middlesex) playing one another. Watch this space for more details.