Southport FC Walking Football Update

Our Walking Football Group continue to play on the 3G pitches at Dunes Leisure every Wednesday between 11-12. The numbers attending varies every week and we accommodate however many people turn up by varying the matches to suit the numbers.

Everyone over 40 is welcome to come along. It is just £2 per session which pays for the hire of the pitches.

We will be at Dunes until July 13th then hopefully we will be able to move onto the grass at Meols Cop School for seven weeks.

If you fancy a bit of football at a slow pace with a great groups of lads and lasses come along and join in.

Anyone wanting more details can contact our WF Organiser Rob Urwin, either by e-mail, [email protected] or call 077900-41514. We register all new players.

We are still looking at the possibility of hosting a WF tournament in the town during the close season, more to follow on this.