Southport gets it's very own 'Norwood lights' as Bispham Rd looks to market itself

greg light

A plan to help improve Bispham Rd for residents and retailers alike by giving it more of a 'village feel' is now a shining example after its latest development. 

It's become a boulevard of light thanks to local councillor Greg Myers who has been leading a scheme to help local businesses and increase a sense of community pride.  

The project has already seen multiple planters put in along the road and, after decades without, a huge Christmas tree and lights for the past two years have also been provided by the Norwood councillors from their ward funds.

Now, they have funded a series of year-round lights that line the length of it. As the driving force behind the improvement scheme, Cllr Myers explained the idea:

"Bispham Road has been a rather undervalued area for some time and I really wanted to try and do something to change that. It's a fantastic community here and we also have 40 or so businesses as well, there's a lot to be proud of that maybe wasn't being appreciated enough."

"So with the backing of my Labour ward colleagues, I've set about doing what we can with the resources we have to try and change that. The LED lights are my latest idea and working with Illumidex, lamposts along the road have been lined in two stages, with the second recently completed." 

"Although the lights themselves are only on for a few hours or so and are deliberately turned down, the reaction to them has been just brilliant." 

"Loads of residents and visitors to the area have commented how nice it looks. If we can show some love to the area then the hope is others in turn will do the same."  

"We've already had great support so far for the broader scheme. From local residents and traders to community groups like the High Park Project who co-funded the planters with us." 

"I'd love Bispham Rd to be able to take some inspiration from the fantastic villages we have in Southport and turn into a destination in its own right."

To that end, the councillor is also working on plans to bring a monthly Sunday market to the area.  He continued:

"It's been something I've been keen to progress for a while and is now starting to take shape. It's still early days but so far the local residents and traders I've spoken to about it have been really positive."

"Council officers have been really helpful too and I'm hopeful that this summer might see the first held but there's still some way to go yet so fingers crossed it can all come together."

"I really want to see our community here thriving. If we all look after it and work together, I don't see why Bispham Rd can't be as lovely and successful as the likes of Ainsdale or Birkdale villages."