Southport Lib Dem Parliamentary candidate Erin Harvey has thanked voters for their support


Southport Lib Dem Parliamentary candidate Erin Harvey has thanked voters for their support at last Thursday’s election and has vowed to carry on working with local Lib Dem councillors to secure a brighter and fairer future for our town.

Erin said, “Last Thursday’s elections saw the end of years of Tory misrule and chaos. I have spoken to many residents across the constituency over the last few weeks and want to thank everyone for their support and kindness. I wish the newly elected Labour MP here good luck. His first priorities are hopefully to get our pier back open, urgently work with the council to have an effective retail and business strategy to revive Lord Street and fight for the scrapping of the 2-child benefit cap which would immediately help thousands of struggling families. In the election campaign we have had many promises from the Labour party around the word change. Let’s hope we now see it.

“As a party the Lib Dems had a great election and I’m pleased to see that leader Sir Ed Davey is already using the massive increase in the number of our MPs to call for cross party talks on ending the crisis in health and social care. This is an issue that is bigger than party politics and tribalism and I am optimistic that our party’s strong voice on this will be listened to.

“Too often, whether through failing to maintain the pier or spending millions on Bootle Strand, Labour run Sefton Council hasn’t prioritised our town. My hope is that the new MP will be able to push for our town and not feel under pressure to follow the party line as happened under the last Tory MP. 

“I am a local resident raising a daughter here and the future of this town matters to me personally. I will continue to work closely with the local Lib Dem Councillors to continue to hold the council and MP to account and press for action on the issues that matter.”