Southport Lifeboat crew rescue despondent female 500 metres from the end of the Pier in darkness

Aspokesperson for the Lifeboat said after last nights call out...

"Our quads and D-Class lifeboat were requested for an immediate launch following reports of a despondent female entering the water at Southport.

Our quads left the station and began searching the beach while the D-Class made way to its launch site.  

Because it was approaching low tide, the quads had a vast area of beach to search, but after a few minutes located the female some 500m from the end of the pier walking through the channels, heading seaward.

After several minutes of negotiations, the casualty was taken back to the shore on board the D-Class, which had cancelled its launch to instead assist at the casualty’s location.

The female was taken to the lifeboat station where she was assisted by police and ambulance personnel.

Our units were stood down and were made ready for service once again.

CALL OUT - 03/02/2022 - 18:36: