Southport man remanded in custody after being caught with drugs on him

Police Arrest

On Thursday 8 December, officers stopped a motorbike rider with a suspected stolen BMW motorbike on Hampton Road, Southport.

Following a search the 28-year-old man was found in possession of 20 wraps of white powder and more than £1,000 in cash.

Following a further search of his property, officers recovered a large quantity of suspected drugs and he was arrested on suspicion with intent to supply drugs and theft of a motor vehicle.

Adam Roberts, 28 years, of Roe Lane, Southport was charged with being in possession with intent to supply Class A, B and C drugs (cocaine, MDMA, ketamine anabolic steroids), and conceal/disguise/covert/transfer/remove criminal property.

He has been remanded into custody and will appear at Liverpool Crown Court on 9 January.