Southport MP " It is not my intention to vote for vaccine passports or for other restrictions"

Southport MP Damien Moore has released a statement on the upcoming vote on the Governments plan B restrictions.

A number of constituents have contacted me about this afternoon’s votes on Covid restrictions and the Government’s Plan B. I want to be very clear that it is not my intention to vote for vaccine passports or for other restrictions on people’s liberty, which I believe at this stage to be divisive, imperious, and disproportionate to the threat posed by the new variant.

I am extremely proud that we have delivered over 121 million jabs into arms across the UK, including over 23 million booster jabs. This has enabled us to relax earlier restrictions that were necessary, and get back to doing the things we love.

Vaccines have always been our way out of this pandemic. The latest scientific evidence points towards Omicron being less severe than previous Covid mutations, with those who have had all their doses substantially better protected than the unvaccinated, who have minimal protection.

There is no evidence as yet that we need the extra restrictions that the Government is proposing to bring in, restrictions that will harm businesses, livelihoods, and our local community in Southport, and so it is not my intention to vote for them. I continue to urge everybody to get all their Covid jabs and Get Boosted Now.