Southport MP comment on rising energy prices

"It is clear that our country is entering a difficult period, with global inflationary pressures and rising energy prices squeezing household savings. I realise that this is a worrying time for many in Southport, and so I am pleased to welcome the Chancellor’s announcement of an £8.6 billion support package to support households and families.

"This package includes a non-repayable £150 Council Tax rebate for Band A-D households, a £200 energy bill rebate for all households repayable over five years, and £144 million discretionary funding for local authorities to help those not otherwise supported. These measures cover 80% of households across England, including 95% of rented properties, ensuring Southport residents will be given the support they need at this difficult time.

“I also very much welcome that we are also continuing with plans to increase the Warm Homes Discount and extend eligibility by one-third to three million vulnerable households, saving struggling families another £150.

"If any of my constituents are struggling, or would like further information on the schemes available, my office is here to help. We can be contacted in the usual way by post, email, and telephone, and I hold a weekly drop-in surgery on Fridays at the Atkinson between 11am and 2pm, to which any of my constituents are welcome to turn up, with no appointment necessary."