Southport MP comments on the scrapping of Ofsted single word grading system


The MP commented...

"For too many years, Ofsted itself has required improvement. And yet repeatedly, Conservative Ministers refused to do anything to bring about that improvement. 

Within weeks, our new Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, has done what should have been done years ago, and scrapped the single word grading system. Too often under the previous government, schools that could be easily and quickly improved were put into the same category as genuinely failing schools that needed much higher level interventions. Too often, that gave an incorrect picture to parents and staff, and it needlessly added pressure on an already overly-stretched workforce. 

I’m pleased to see that these gradings are being scrapped immediately, and that a more appropriate report card system is being worked up by ministers and Ofsted for implementation in 2025. More generally, it’s a thorny topic of how best to manage the tension between allowing headteachers autonomy in running schools and ensuring standards are high across the board. This is a good first step towards making sure no child is left behind, and I’ll be looking for it to be followed by further steps focused on children’s wellbeing, mental health support, and achieving excellence in both academic and vocational pathways. 

In the very difficult circumstances we inherited, in a country where nothing seems to have worked properly for years, this is a great start in ensuring our schools system is again fit for purpose."