Southport MP Damen Moore shows his support for Liz Truss to be next Prime Minister

In Conservative leadership elections, the Parliamentary party select their top two candidates, and then the entire membership is given a vote to select who will be their next leader, and in this case, Prime Minister. 

I am proud to be backing Liz Truss, the Foreign Secretary, in the vote put to the membership. I spoke to both candidates about what they could offer Southport, but more importantly, I spoke to my own constituents. Many residents contacted me, some who voted Conservative for the first time in 2019, asking me to back Liz, and it is right that I listen to them. 

Liz has been a true ally to Southport throughout my time as MP, and in 2019 joined me for a visit to Southport College, praising the central role the College plays in our town. 

The College was keen to meet Liz, and it was clear then the strong impact she had on students, staff, and apprentices, and her genuine desire to support Southport, including through improving our transport links, and ensuring that everybody who needs healthcare locally is able to get that care. 

Liz has assured me that she will cut bills, taxes, and red tape for families as part of her plan to ensure that everybody in our town can succeed in life, and more immediately to ensure that families struggling with the cost of living are supported. 

But it is not just in Southport where I am confident Liz will excel. As International Trade Secretary, we all frequently saw her in the news closing dozens of trade deals and making a success of Brexit. As Foreign Secretary, we saw her standing up to Putin and supporting the outgoing Prime Minister in our steadfast defence of Ukraine. 

Liz has proven time and again her support for our town, and her strong defence of our country, and is now the clear choice to be Prime Minister. I urge Conservative voters across Southport to use their vote to select her and protect the success of our Town Deal, and ensure that Southport remains a great place to live.