Southport MP Damien Moore comments on the Budget

MP Damien Moore

Yesterday, I was in the Commons Chamber in Parliament to hear the Chancellor unveil his Budget. From letters, emails, and face-to-face conversations with my constituents, I know how hard times are, and I have fed all of this back to the Chancellor. He has listened, and this is why we’re:

Continuing the energy price guarantee at £2,500 for an additional three months.

Cutting NHS waiting lists, by encouraging doctors and nurses back to work.

Helping families with young children get the childcare and financial support they need.

Giving the disabled and long-term sick the specialist help they require, so that they can work if they wish.

Supporting Southport’s local hospitality businesses by ensuring tax on draught beer is lower than that for supermarket beer.

I will continue to speak with Ministers to ensure that Southport’s voice is heard by the Government. It is vital that our town and its hard-working people get the support they need.