Southport MP Damien Moore congratulates No4 in Birkdale for their Christmas Tree

Damien said...

Great to see the Birkdale community in action. Big thank you to Mike, Max, and the team at NO.4 for their work - it looks fantastic!

Max Henshaw from Buildright ...

Well Sefton Council wouldn’t do anything about their joke of a Tree so we did , after Teaming up with No4 our Team at BUILDRIGHTNW/MWHENSHAW installed a 16’ whopper of a Tree yesterday with plenty of lights.

MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR to Birkdale and Southport from us all.

Several nice comments on Facebook about the tree.

Sefton council really is a disgrace , can’t believe that minuscule thing next to spar is what replaced the lanky beanstalk. well done guys for what you’ve put together by yourselves, looks great

Well done. It doesn’t matter how much council tax Birkdale residents put in to the coffers of Sefton F….. Council, you still have to buy your own f…… Christmas Tree.