Southport MP Damien Moore responds to expenses scandal

A spokesperson for Mr Moore said...

All of Mr. Moore’s expenses, including travel, have been in keeping with IPSA’s independently set rules.

While there are many ways to measure an MP’s value for taxpayer money, one important example may be enquiries to their local authority, with each enquiry representing an occasion on which they stood up for their constituents.

As per a freedom of information request submitted by Mr. Moore’s office to Sefton Council, in the period 23 March 2020 – 29 April 2021, Mr. Moore’s office sent some 214 enquiries to the Council, compared to just 49 for Bill Esterson, and 38 for Peter Dowd. These were part of some 2,784 cases requiring direct assistance by Mr. Moore’s team in the 2020-2021 financial year, in addition to thousands more policy letters.

Mr. Moore believes it is vital that the money set aside by the independent IPSA for him to stand up for his constituents is accurately used to do exactly this, something he is confident is represented in part by the significantly higher volume of enquiries from his office to Sefton Council.

Mr. Moore makes no apology for his significantly higher level of correspondence compared to nearby Labour MPs in protecting his constituents from the inadequacies of Labour-run Sefton Council, and will continue to do all he can to stand up for his constituents, both in Southport and in Westminster.