Southport MP Damien Moore shows support for children’s mental health

On Wednesday 9th February, Damien Moore MP attended a drop in event in the Houses of Parliament to mark Children’s Mental Health Week 2022, which runs 7-13 February. The event was organised by Place2Be, a charity providing mental health support in schools across the UK.

Place2Be launched the first ever Children’s Mental Health Week in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. 2022 marks the eighth year of the awareness week and this year's theme, Growing Together, explores the importance of emotional growth and finding ways to help each other grow.

Mr. Moore was one of over 40 Members of Parliament to meet with Place2Be representatives and headteachers in the Jubilee Room to find out more about the charity’s work promoting wellbeing within the school community.

As one in six children now have a diagnosable mental health issue, the event was a vital opportunity to learn about Place2Be’s important work and to discuss what more can be done to address this growing need.

Place2Be’s train senior mental health leads and education professionals across the UK via outreach work and digital means, as well as providing support online for parents and carers across the UK, including in Southport.

Damien Moore MP said:

“It’s important that we give children all the support that they need to have the best start in life. The pandemic has been hard for many of us, but particularly for children, who have suffered not just disruption to their education, but to their social lives too at such an important formative age. The toll on their mental health must be recognised, and steps taken to properly address it.

“I am delighted that Place2Be continues to offer such excellent mental health services in schools through their counsellors and through other online services for parents, carers, and education professionals. I encourage those in Southport to take advantage of their resources and to help ensure that those children who need support are offered that support.”

Sally Etchells Wragg, Lead Organiser of the Place2Be event, said:

“It was fantastic to welcome Damien and his team to our event and inform them about the work we do to improve children’s mental health. We are grateful for the interest and support from Damien and all other MPs who attended.”