Southport MP Damien Moore slams Sefton Council for failing to provide adequate support for children


Southport MP Damien Moore statement.

Yesterday, Ofsted released their latest update on the state of children’s services in Sefton, outlining that there has been “insufficient progress in improving the response to children in need of help and protection”, and that “most practice weaknesses identified at the inspection in February 2022 remain today”.

It is simply unacceptable that Sefton Council continues to fail to give Southport’s children the support they need. The Council stand on the brink of another local tragedy, and as Southport’s local MP, I simply cannot stand by and watch that happen.

That is why I have written to the commissioner and the Minister for Children, Families, and Wellbeing, to add my voice to the growing calls to take the responsibility for Southport’s children away from those who continue to fail to give them the support they deserve.

Our town’s children only get one start in life, and it is a disgrace that Labour councillors think continued failure is acceptable. I urge my constituents to use their vote in May’s local elections to show our town’s children that Southport will not stand by idly while its children are failed by the Council.