Southport MP Damien Moore welcomes the Down Syndrome Bill passing all its Commons’ stages

Southport MP Damien Moore joined colleagues from across Parliament to welcome the Down Syndrome Bill passing its final stages in the House of Commons on the 4th February. The Bill will now go through the House of Lords on its passage onto the statute book.

The Down Syndrome Bill has been introduced as Dr Liam Fox’s Private Members’ Bill. Dr Fox, a former NHS Doctor and GP, decided to use this unique opportunity to bring forward the ‘Down Syndrome Bill’ as his Private Members’ Bill, a decision welcomed and supported by Mr. Moore.

The Government announced last November that it will support the Down Syndrome Bill. This means the Down Syndrome Act 2022 (as it will become) will improve provision and outcomes for all those living with Down Syndrome in England. This will encompass, amongst other areas, maternity care, education, health, social care, and employment.

The National Down Syndrome Policy Group has launched a new campaign in support of the Bill. The ‘Stand Up for Down Syndrome’ campaign includes a petition that has attracted the signatures of over 31,200 people with Down Syndrome, their families, and supporters.

Thousands of constituents have written to their MPs as part of the campaign urging them to support the Bill, including in Southport. Many of those taking part in the campaign have shared photos of their children with Down Syndrome on social media to help send a strong message about the importance of the Bill.

Damien Moore MP said:

“I am delighted to be supporting the Down Syndrome Bill. For the first time people with Down Syndrome are beginning to outlive their parents. If we do not make provisions for this then there will be evitable human tragedies.

“But it is not just about preventing this: we also have an opportunity to be proactive and go much further, ensuring those with Down Syndrome can access Health, Education, and Social Care services.

“These are basic rights for all in the United Kingdom, and it is a privilege to be a supporter of this important piece of legislation. I very much look forward to welcoming it into law later this year, and finally ensuring that those with Down Syndrome are given the full support they deserve.”

Down Syndrome Bill sponsor, The Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP, said:

“I am thrilled to bring forward a Bill to deal with the issues faced by those with Down Syndrome. My aim is to deal with three main areas. The first is to de-stigmatise Down Syndrome. The second is to ensure that current provision of services is improved. The third is to look ahead and deal with future issues, such as long-term care, in an era where, for the first time, many of those with Down Syndrome will outlive their parents.”

Peter Brackett, Chair of the NDSPG, said:

"The Down Syndrome Bill is essential to address the specific deficiencies and barriers faced by people who have Down Syndrome and we hope that MPs across all parties will vote for this Bill. We will work hard to support any information needs those politicians may have to ensure they are fully informed about the issues before the vote.

“Societal infrastructures need to be in place to progress the rights of this community. When enacted we will finally have legislation to ensure every stage in the lives of these people are protected and enhanced. Only through this can people with Down Syndrome achieve their rightful place as recognised individuals, contributing towards a better, inclusive society.”