Southport MP has his say on trying to get a doctors appointment-Video

On Wednesday, I spoke in Parliament on access to GP appointments.

I completely understand from my conversations with constituents just how difficult it is to access such appointments. Many are simply told to ring up at 8am, only to find they are far down a long queue, and have to wait on hold for an unacceptable length of time before they can actually book.

It is clear that we need more capacity put into phone lines to help alleviate these pressures on local health services. Crucially, we also need far more physical appointments on offer to ensure that everybody for whom a virtual or phone appointment isn’t appropriate is still able to see a healthcare professional and get the care that they deserve.

I want to assure my constituents that I will do everything I can to rectify these issues. If you are experiencing any difficulties securing an appointment yourself, please contact my office directly and we will do all we can to assist: