Southport MP refuses to say who he supports in Tory leader race

Southport Tory MP Damien Moore has yet again refused to be open and transparent with local residents, writes Martin Hovden.

He was slow to reveal whether he had confidence in liar and rule-breaker Boris Johnson.

And now Tom Tugendhat, his choice for new leader of the Conservative Party and therefore our new Prime Minister, has been knocked out of the race.

Quite rightly, Mr Moore was asked by Tom Martin of The Southport Champion (my old paper) who he supports now.

And his response, according to his spokesman, was: “Mr Moore hasn’t yet made up his mind, who, if anyone, he will publicly declare his support for...”

Who, if anyone, he will publicly support?

We have a right to know who he supports. Why? Let’s say one candidate stands on a platform of cutting Universal Credit or slashing pensions, or making abortion illegal?

I’ve used extreme examples to make the point that our MP must be open and transparent with voters. We need to know what our MP believes in and we shouldn’t have to drag it out of him.

It’s the right and honourable thing to do.

My first editor told me years ago: “Yes, we’re happy to let our MP tell readers what he or she has been doing in the constituency - but it’s also our job and duty to hold them to account, otherwise they think they can get away with anything..”

Great advice which I follow to this day...whichever party is involved.