Southport MP says silent on his 'party animal' leader Boris

Southport journalist Martin Hovden writes: Southport Tory MP Damien Moore was in the House of Commons today (Tuesday) for the debate on drinks parties held in 10 Downing Street on 20th May, 2020 – when Covid restrictions were in full force.

Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner had been granted an urgent question on the issue and was angry Prime Minister Boris Johnson failed to be in the chamber as her question was aimed directly at him.

The opposition benches were packed as member after member expressed disgust that Downing Street hosted social parties for its staff while the rest of the country was following strict Covid restrictions.

Mr Moore, who was re-elected MP for Southport in 2019, was among the few Tory members present to hear Paymaster General Michael Ellis argue he could not comment on the parties as they were subject to an inquiry by Sue Gray.

Mr Moore had plenty of opportunity to give his views on the controversial issue, but stayed quiet during the debate. In fact he left the chamber after just half an hour.

A government loyalist, Mr Moore has rarely spoken out against his own party.

However, the illegal parties has united the nation in its anger at what happened in Downing Street during restrictions. Our local MP should let us know his views on this important issue.

If Mr Moore does speak out, it's highly likely he will follow the government line of “let's wait for the results of the Sue Gray inquiry” - in other words, let's delay as long as we can.

Boris Johnson will face a tough Prime Minister's Questions in the House tomorrow (Wednesday).