Southport MP slammed for strongly backing 'shameful' mini-budget.

Damien Moore

Southport's MP, the local Conservative Party and their Sefton Group Leader have all been called upon to apologise for backing the Prime Minister's short-lived but damaging mini-budget.

Local Labour Councillor Greg Myers says they badly failed residents of the town and borough by supporting such an "economically disastrous" plan, explaining: 

"Damien Moore MP announced he was 'thrilled' by Liz Truss becoming Conservative Leader. I'd think he's not so excited now. Even worse, when she released their devastating millionaire mini-budget he purred that it was 'ground-breaking'. Instead, it broke the economy and the last remnants of Tory credibility I'd suggest."

"Southport Conservatives were as enamoured as Mr Moore judging by their social media. Meanwhile, their Sefton Council Group Leader Cllr Mike Prendergast declared the new measures were 'great news' - despite numerous warnings of the damage their policies would do." 

"They should all be thoroughly ashamed. They were happy to see Truss's vicious and vacuous political dogma come before people and pragmatism, playing with our lives and financial security."

"Their extreme Conservatism however very quickly hit the brick wall of economic reality but it's the country that's suffered for it and as usual, the rest of us are left paying for their mistakes." 

"They have though rapidly lost yet another Chancellor and been forced into a humiliating series of U-turns. Crucially the very platform on which Truss was selected by the Conservative Party to be their Prime Minister has been smashed."


"Yet it seems they simply want to try to hastily construct another from the debris to launch Austerity Mk2 - all without even going to the country for a mandate. The Conservative cost of living crisis and their continuing chaos means we are all in for a rather bleak midwinter and longer." 

"All except bankers that is, as their new Chancellor is keeping that part of the old platform to remove the cap on their bonuses. Apparently, some things don't change."

"It's abundantly clear though that the Conservatives now have no credibility, no integrity and no mandate - so we need a general election. Sadly, it appears they will put party before country once again and refuse to make that call." 

"It's also clear that Damien Moore MP and his equally clueless Conservative cohorts locally should sincerely apologise to our communities in Southport and Sefton for their shameful part in backing and cheering on such a debilitating debacle. After such a failing, our residents deserve that at the very least."


greg damien