Southport MP "Thrilled" that Liz Truss is new Prime Minister

Damien Moore

Damien Moore, MP for Southport, said:

“I'm thrilled that Liz Truss has been elected as Leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party, and as Prime Minister.

“Liz will formally take office tomorrow when she visits the HM The Queen at Balmoral who will invite her to form a new Government.

“The new Prime Minister will immediately begin work on dealing with the issues our country is facing, whether that is on the cost of living, the war in Ukraine, dealing with the NHS Covid backlog, or growing our economy. These are difficult times, but Liz has a strong reputation for delivering. I know that she will rise to the challenge.

“When she takes office, Liz will become our nation's third female Prime Minister. I am deeply proud, as I know my party is too, that all have been Conservatives.

“It's now time to get on with the job and make the big, bold decisions our country needs.”