Southport MP welcomes extra investment for Greenbank High School to improve facilities as part of the Government’s School Rebuilding Programme

MP Damien Moore

Damien Moore MP welcomes extra investment for Greenbank High School to improve facilities as
part of the Conservative Government’s School Rebuilding Programme

Local Southport MP Damien Moore has today welcomed the announcement that Greenbank High
School has been selected as one of the latest 239 schools that will be rebuilt or substantially
refurbished as part of the fourth round of the Conservative Government’s School Rebuilding
Programme, which has invested over £13 billion to maintain and improve schools since 2015.

The programme will provide the funding to transform 500 schools across England, delivering on the
Government’s commitment to level up opportunity around the country by giving every child access
to the best classrooms, wherever they go to school.

The School Rebuilding Programme is backed by £1.8 billion of Government funding this financial
year, helping to rebuild and refurbish primary, secondary, and specialist schools, in addition to sixth
form colleges around England.

The funding for Greenbank High School will help to improve learning environments for pupils,
subject to a further assessment to determine the sequencing of projects nationwide, and a detailed
feasibility study at the outset of the project at Greenbank. The majority of the projects are set to be
completed in three to five years.

Each school in the programme has been selected based on the condition of its buildings, making sure
the greatest improvements are delivered for schools that need them the most and maximising
children’s chances to gain the skills and knowledge they need. All new buildings will be more energy
efficient for future winter resilience, helping schools keep bills down and meeting the Government’s
net zero commitments.

As well as delivering world-class learning environments for pupils, the School Rebuilding Programme
will also create opportunities, jobs, and apprenticeships – from the construction industry to
suppliers, businesses will be offering training as part of their involvement in the projects.

Damien Moore, Member of Parliament for Southport, said:
“The quality of learning environments in schools can have a significant impact on a student’s learning
and I have been working closely with the Conservative Government to secure investment in our
schools to offer children the best opportunity to succeed.

“That is why I welcome the news that Greenbank High School will benefit from the latest round of the
School Rebuilding Programme, backed by £1.8 billion in 2022–34 to rebuild and refurbish 239 more
schools across the country. It is right that our local children get the best education possible, and I
know that a new and improved physical environment plays a crucial role in achieving this.

“This investment will improve the experience of students in Greenbank, further supporting the
teachers in helping their pupils to learn, develop, and achieve their full potential, while also aiming to
support local jobs in the construction and maintenance of these new facilities.

“I have written to the school to congratulate them on this fantastic news, and I look forward to
seeing the new facilities when they are up and running.”