Southport Police Clampdown on Road Offenses: 2 Arrests Made


Officers from Southport Neighbourhood Policing Team set up stop sites at Queens Road and Argyle Road this morning, stopping drivers who had committed a moving road traffic offence to be breathalysed and or tested for drug use.
Over the two locations there were:
• 36 Negative Breath Tests
• 2 Tickets were issued for speed exceeding 20mph, (48mph) and the other for having no insurance
• 1 Community Resolution for Possession of a Controlled Drug (cannabis)
• 1 Summons for Driving Otherwise in Accordance with a License and No Insurance
• 2 Arrests. One for drug drive and POCD B. (cannabis) and a second for drug driving, driving without valid MOT, driving without L Plates, displaying an incorrect number plate, and driving in excess of 20mph (39mph)
Choosing to drive after drinking alcohol or taking drugs puts you and everyone around you at risk.