Southport Police Increase Patrols Amidst Annual Operation Shepherd

Neighbourhood Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSO's) have continued our regular foot patrols of Southport town centre (and the wider area) this week and are back out again today (Saturday 14th) as part of our annual Operation Shepherd, which aims to increase visibility of officers and reduce incidents in the busy shopping areas in particular. Constable 1101 and PCSO 0340 have just left Southport Police station.
We will continue to support local residents and businesses in this way and will continue to target prolific shop thieves who cause distress for shop staff and cause harm to our communities. Where there are drivers to a person's offending, referrals will be made to the relevant agencies to try to get to the root causes of that offending. It's not just a case of 'locking people up'.
Please feel free to come and speak to us when you see us out and about. We will be able to put you in touch with your local named officer for your street if it's not a town centre issue you want to raise.
It should be a busy shopping weekend and a busy night for office Christmas parties, so keep personal belongings like purses, wallets, phones close to you and look out for your friends. For more personal safety advice follow this link to our website: