Southport residents reminded that spiking is rife in Lancashire Pubs and Clubs

Police are reminding people to stay vigilant following an increase in reports of ‘spiking’ offences in Lancashire.

In recent weeks police across the country have received reports of people being spiked, either through their drinks or through injection.

In Lancashire we have received several reports of these offences, including an increased number of allegations this weekend.

While the number of incidents reported to police is relatively low, we recognise the seriousness of these allegations and we are issuing renewed guidance and advice to people.

Temp Asst Chief Constable Russ Procter, of Lancashire Police, said: “These reports are clearly very concerning and it is understandable people are worried and anxious.

“We take offences of this nature very seriously and all reports will be investigated thoroughly by our officers.

“We would encourage anyone who believes they have been a victim or witness to spiking, in any form, to contact us. Any reports of spiking will be investigated and taken seriously. You should try and report it to police as quickly as possible to help officers carry out tests and gather the best evidence.

“While we have had no reports of further crimes being reported because of spiking incidents, it is vital to reiterate if you think you have been a victim of spiking, contact police immediately. This allows appropriate tests and enquiries to be conducted.

“Where appropriate, you should also seek medical attention.”

Our officers are visiting licensed premises, conducting walk arounds, checking CCTV is working, speaking to staff and management, as well as engaging with young people, offering reassurance and advice.

We are also working with partners including local councils, Public Health, licensing and universities as part of our policing approach.

Our colleagues in licensing regularly work with local bar and club owners to ensure people have a safe and enjoyable time and that there are mechanisms in place if people need help, including the Ask For Angela initiative – for more information visit

Temp Asst Chief Constable Procter added: “If you are out this week or this weekend, please enjoy yourselves but be vigilant, stick with your friends and look after each other.

“If you are out and feel unwell, or have any concerns, speak to bar and door staff immediately or call police for assistance.”

Report any crime by calling 101. You can also report online by visiting:

In an emergency always call 999.

For safety advice around spiking, visit: