Southport residents urged to Take steps towards a healthier you this new year

After all the indulgence of the festive season, together with Sefton Council we’re encouraging you to get the New Year off to the right start by taking better control of your health.

We’re reminding you about the number of great resources available to you if you are looking to make positive changes to your lifestyle.

Small changes

Living Well Sefton enables people to make small changes to their lives that can have a big impact on their wellbeing. It offers individual and group support around a broad range of issues, from eating better and being more active, to managing debt.

All Sefton residents are eligible and can self-refer via the website or by calling 0300 323 0181.

Right foot

Dr Rob Caudwell, local GP and chair of NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “January can be a good time to make some real changes which can improve your physical and mental health, such as taking a break from drinking.

“Persistent alcohol misuse can lead to heart disease, stroke, liver disease and liver cancer among other things.

“I would encourage you to take part in Dry January and start your New Year off on the right foot.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic harmful drinking has risen significantly, consequently impacting on people, communities, and services.


The Lower My Drinking app, which is free to download for anyone living or working in Sefton, gives advice and uses scientifically proven tools to reduce drinking to the recommended limit of 14 units a week or less.

It will help you set a drinking goal, and achieve it by:

  • Tracking progress towards an individual drinking goal
  • Recognising all the gains to be made by cutting down
  • Focusing on what is really motivating to reduce drinking
  • Sees how an individual’s drinking compares to the rest of the population

Quitting smoking

Dr Pete Chamberlain, local GP and chair of NHS South Sefton CCG, added: “Another good change to make this new year is to give up smoking.

“Quitting smoking has some real health benefits including reducing your chance of having a stroke and developing heart disease, as well as making you less likely to get cancer.”

For tips and guidance about drinking less and a range of lifestyle advice, visit the Better Health website.

Sefton Council’s Smokefree Sefton service can also support people that are trying to stop smoking.

The programme provides free behavioural support, combined with access to licenced medications to help you stop smoking.

For more information on Smokefree Sefton visit the website. Or telephone 0300 100 1000

Managing a healthy weight

Sefton Council’s Active Sefton team is offering personalised support with managing a healthy weight and exploring good nutrition alongside free sessions to keep active. Anyone interested can contact the team on 0151 934 2352.

Margaret Jones, Sefton Council’s Director of Public Health said: “Sefton Council’s Public Health team works to protect and improve health for local residents and provides advice on physical, mental and emotional health issues at

“New year is a good time for all of us to make changes in our lives but this year we all need to make sure that we remember to say COVID-safe while taking up any new activities.”

Gemma Boardman, Living Well Sefton programme manager, added: “Our Living Well Sefton mentors are always on hand to support you with your personal wellbeing goals, whether that’s to share expertise and advice or simply encourage and empower you to make positive changes throughout 2022.”