Southport Solidarity with Ukraine

As Europe faces its most dangerous moment since 1945,Southport wants and needs to show it’s solidarity with those subjected to tyranny – just as it did  throughout the dark days leading up to and during the second world war.    

Churches and faith groups across Southport are finding different ways to reflect people’s concern and demonstrate their support for the beleaguered Ukrainian people. This has added importance as Southport has a large East European population  from countries formerly behind the “iron curtain”

There will be a Vigil for Peace this Saturday at St Maries,Seabank Rd 1-3 p.m where people may light a candle for peace and reflect, but also in the town centre adjacent to the war memorial there will be a stall for every citizen -young and old- to express Southport’s solidarity with the Ukrainian and all sufferers under tyranny and to help convey that support to the Ukraine.

One of the organisers Fr. Tony Slingo said, “ We hope everyone passing by no matter what  their belief or politics will pause for a moment to add their name and their thoughts to the message of solidarity from Southport and perhaps hear of other efforts made elsewhere. It wont stop the tanks ,but in a connected world every tiny bit of pressure helps. People must express their feelings. It can only help tyrants like Putin if we shrug our shoulders in indifference.”

The stall will be in operation between 11 and 1.00 on Saturday and  those who would like to help and with further ideas should contact  07837 -091829 or 07717-64101