Southport Tories must think we're all stupid, says journalist Martin Hovden

Last Friday, Southport Tories invited local residents to take part in their survey to name your choice for the new leader of the Conservative Party, writes Martin Hovden.

“This is Southport's chance to show who you believe should be Britain's next Prime Minter,” they said in their Press Release which also had a picture of outgoing PM Boris Johnson.

A wonderful example of local democracy in action, you may think. Here's your chance to tell our local MP Damien Moore who you want to see as the next Prime Minister. And no doubt, he will consider all your views and then make up his mind.

Sadly, no. Just 24 hours after the survey was launched, The Spectator magazine revealed Mr Moore has already thrown his support behind MP Tom Tugendhat.

So much for your views being taken into consideration.

This is what Damien Moore says in Mr Tugendhat's campaign literature: “I'm backing Tom Tugendhat as he's a fresh face for a clean start. Restoring integrity, building a strong team, tackling the cost of living crisis and levelling up - are all things which I believe Tom can deliver for the whole UK...”

So what is the point of the Southport Tory survey? Click on the link and yes, you are invited to name your choice, but you are then asked all sorts of questions including your name, address, phone number, email address etc.

In other words it's a cynical and disgraceful marketing exercise to gain as much information about Southport voters as possible, no doubt to be used come election time. They're not in the slightest bit interested in hearing about your choice of leader.

Southport Tories have a sad record when it comes to being honest and transparent about Tory leaders.

Just the other week, I revealed that MP Damien Moore refused to say whether he had confidence in Boris Johnson, as did Southport's four Tory councillors.

Councillor Sir Ron Watson (Dukes ward) said such questions are “not helpful”, while Councillor Mike Morris (Cambridge) tried to deflect the question by raising the investigation into Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and deputy Angela Rayner – both of whom were cleared last Friday.

Mr Moore did eventually reveal he had no confidence in the Prime Minister AFTER Boris Johnson resigned.

Damien Moore wants Tom Tugendhat to “restore integrity”. Perhaps he should invite him to come to Southport and tell the local Tory Party how they can gain some....integrity.