Southport Unity Walk: MP Patrick Hurley Underlines Importance of Harmony


Southport MP Patrick Hurley comments on unity walk..

The horrific attack that took place across Southport on 29th July has shaken our community; we must continue to remember the victims of the attack and thank the emergency services who responded to the tragedy.

The misinformation that was shared online fueled violence that led to the targeting of a Southport Mosque in Southport and then led to violent events across the UK, which has been so painful to see. Standing together in Southport has never been more vital by making cross-community efforts to find unity and build towards a more harmonious future.

I’m glad that the Board of Deputies of British Jews, on behalf of the Southport Jewish community, invited religious, political, and community figures to an Interfaith Unity Event and walk to pledge solidarity and provide faith leaders with a space to listen and learn from each other and share ideas for how to rebuild community cohesiveness.

While I’m in Westminster today on parliamentary business, my office was represented at the event, and we’re all very pleased indeed to see faiths from across Southport coming together in a show of unity and positivity in order to oppose the mindless violence and extremism that we witnessed a month ago.

Once again, I want to thank all faith leaders for coming together and spreading a message of unity and collaboration as a Southport community.