Southport Wins Award for Having the Most Potholes in the UK!

simon pot

Residents of Southport woke up to a shock this morning as the town was declared the winner of a national competition for having the most potholes in the UK. The award was presented by the National Pothole Association, who stated that Southport's roads were "a true inspiration to pothole enthusiasts all over the country."

Local authorities were quick to dispute the award, stating that they had been working tirelessly to fix the town's roads. However, the judges of the competition were adamant, stating that they had never seen such a concentration of potholes in one place.

Southport's residents were divided in their reactions. Some were outraged, stating that the award was a disgrace and that the town's roads were a danger to drivers. "I can't believe that we won this award," said one resident. "Our roads are a mess, and it's about time that something is done about it."

Others saw the funny side of things, with one resident stating that "at least we're good at something!" Another resident said, "I think this award is ridiculous, but I have to admit that it's kind of funny. I guess we have to find some humour in the situation."

Despite the award, local authorities have vowed to continue their efforts to improve the town's roads. "We won't rest until every pothole in Southport is filled," stated a spokesperson for the council.

So, if you're planning to visit Southport anytime soon, be sure to bring a sturdy car and a good sense of humour!

April fool !!