Statement from Chief Constable following publication of national police response to Hillsborough families report

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Chief Constable Serena Kennedy said:  "We acknowledge the publication today of the national police response to the Hillsborough Families Report and the suggested areas for reform.

"In Merseyside we know all too well the devastating impact that the events at Hillsborough had and continue to have for families and survivors and our thoughts remain with the loved ones of victims and those who continue to be affected by the tragedy.

"As a force we are committed to ensuring all the principles set out in the ‘charter for families bereaved through public tragedy’ are fully implemented locally, that we are accountable in everything we do and that we act with candour and compassion at all times when dealing with bereaved families.

"There have been significant improvements in UK policing in recent years and Merseyside Police already works closely with the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) and College of Policing to ensure we offer the best possible level of service to all our communities.  

"As Chief Constable I am committed to learning from this report and leading a police force that acts without fear or favour and continues to put the best interest of victims and their families first at all times."